About North Georgia - History, travel and adventure in the mountains of North Georgia. Selected as "valuable Internet resource" by the Discovery Channel. Great site for information about Native Americans in North Georgia.

American Indian Exposition - The Exposition provides an annual opportunity for native and non-native communities to share the rich heritage, traditions, and spirituality of Native America, as well as to mingle and enjoy the spirit of friendship and community! At the same time, it is a chance to highlight the skills, talents, and experience of individuals and tribes and encourage communication and commerce between the communities

American Indian Movement - AIM Grand Governing Council

American Indian Movement Support Group -  Ohio & Northern Kentucky  - has a lot of info and links

Bear Visions - Welcome to my Non Native Visual Tribute to Native People, Their Spirituality and Their Way of Life. It is dedicated to all those that have gone before us, to my teachers and friends who have freely given me more than I could ever repay.

Broken Threads - American Indian Links

Chattanooga Intertribal Association - Nice site

Cherokee Nation - The offical site of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma - nice site, lots of info

GA Native Americans - First Peoples of Georgia; Georgia Native American site

Eastern Band of Cherokee - The official home page of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians - plenty of info

Leonard Peltier - The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee site

Indian Papers Online - Southeastern Native American Documents. The project by University of Georgia and the University of Tennessee posted the documents on the World Wide Web. The collections depict everything from the first contacts of whites and Indians to the bacon-and-bread rations that defeated Indians were given upon being forced from their lands. Select Public Databases, then select Native American Documents or Southeastern Native American Documents.

Indian Village - American Indian arts, culture, and trade - is the center for Native American Indian Trade on the Web! Here you can find Native American Indian Stores, Artists, Auctions and a vast archive of searchable information related to the American Indian.

Mike's Place - Information and links to Indian or Native American sites and resource pages, American Indian Movement, Leonard Peltier, AIM issue sites, info on Rapid City SD, Camp Justice, Big Mountain, Mendota, Mascot issues, NASCAR links, helpful tools and tips, software links, and virus info.  

NAPA of Georgia - Native American Preservation Association of Georgia info site

Native American Embassy - Still under construction but still a nice site  

Native American Home Pages - Nice site & links

Native Americans in the Korean War

Native American Links Page - Please be patient while this page loads it is well worth the wait. Thousands of links - don't miss this one!

Native American Poems - Poems by Del "Abe" Jones - nice, worth a visit!

Native Americans and the Environment - Southwest links

Native American Tribe Affiliations - This is an attempt to provide a reference to Native American research sources.

NativeWeb - Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World; nice site with lots of links

Indian World Mending the Sacred Circle - Indian World is committed to building bridges between American Native and non-native. - nice site

Phil Konstantin's Native American Links - over 7,000 links to Native American sites

Russell Means - "One of the biggest, baddest, meanest, angriest, most famous American Indian activists of the late twentieth century. . ."  - The Washington Post

Southwestern Assoc For Indian Art - Welcome to Indianz.Com, Your Internet Resource. Our mission is to provide you with quality news, information, and entertainment from a Native American perspective.

The Cherokee Trail of Tears - 1838-1839 - nice Cherokee site

The Cherokee Genealogy Page - This site has a query page and form to post your own query, info about the Cherokee mailing list, a large set of links to sites about Cherokee genealogy, and a bibliography of Cherokee genealogy and history books (some of which have links to where you can buy them.)

The People’s Paths! Cherokee Culture - Cultural Tidbits of the Cherokee  

The Spike - East Coast Powwow listings

Trail of Tears Map - Trail of Tears map shows the three major Cherokee Routes

Twin Territories, Oklahoman - Indian Territory Project - Links to other sites within OK Indian Territory


Powwow Listings for 2001 -  windthruherhair's Powwow Listings

All of these sites are active as of this posting. If you find one that is no longer available let us know and it will be removed. If you have a favorite site that's not listed, send us a brief description and it's address and we'll add it to this page.